September 12, 2023
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September 2023 product update image

September will be action-packed at Addressable, with new innovations to help you reach and understand your ideal users! This past month we added Base support, brought campaign controls into the platform, streamlined geographic audience details, enhanced Audience User Analytics and Measurements with unified metrics and reporting for programmatic campaigns.


  1. You can now build audiences and track conversions for Base blockchain users.
  2. You can now control campaigns directly from your Addressable app.
  3. We improved reporting on audience demographics like age, devices, and gender for programmatic campaigns you run on Addressable.
  4. Created audiences now show “Top countries” as top result. Know faster if you should adjust target geographies.
  5. Added unified metrics in Measurements for streamlined campaign performance analysis.

Target and see conversion events for Base blockchain users

We now fully support Base blockchain! You can include Base wallet users in audiences you create and track conversion events for actions on Base blockchain. Base is the 7th top chain we support, in addition to Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Optimism and Avalanche. 

Control and manage campaigns directly from Addressable

We fully integrated Twitter (more networks soon!) campaign control and visibility. You can now control marketing campaigns directly from Addressable, without opening Twitter Ads Manager: Delete, duplicate, start or pause campaigns from a simple dropdown menu on the right.

Learn and improve quickly with programmatic audience reporting

You can now leverage reports on audience demographics like age, devices, and gender for programmatic campaigns on Addressable. Addressable+ targeted, daily  optimized, transparent programmatic campaigns are simpler and more informative. 

Meet your audience, everywhere they hang out - even outside of social networks and learn about sub-segments that are most receptive so you can optimize further!

Instantly see geographic audience data about any new audience

You can now see a breakdown by country for an audience you create at the top of the audience creation results screen. Quickly assess if you need to adjust your target to avoid certain regions for compliance reasons, or broaden the target to capture more users in preferred regions.

Review Measurements across unified metrics and diagrams

You can now measure campaign performance across unified metrics so that you can more easily analyze your audience’s followers and understand where your campaign performed best.

Have a feature in mind that you think we should offer? Got feedback on changes or want to share your opinion about our current platform and how it’s working for you? 

Get in touch with us - we’d love to hear from you.

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